September 25, 2008

A large portion of my day was spent swimming…not the kind that involved any sun screen, beach towels, big umbrellas or even water. This kind of swimming involved large volumes of information about website design, HTML, PHP, web hosting, servers, Ad Sense, Google Sites, Yahoo Small Business, blogs, podcasts, webinars, domain names, articles on web content, and the list goes on… and on…

As a confirmed and confessed “knowledge-addict”, this trip to a geek paradise not only was enjoyable but also empowered me with the knowledge to create and host my own website. Although my brain feels like mush, I am equipped with more information than I will ever need about these kinds of things.

Having always had the inner need to be an entrepreneur and the drive to be one, I realized that this is as a good a time as any to start my own business. YAY ME!!! The reason I am talking about it is 1. Free publicity 2. To inspire others also on a similar quest and 3. To be my own boss and make some $$$$.

I have to admit that GEEKS RULE THE WORLD. I was amazed at the myriad of info out there to assist the greenie entrepreneurs and I don’t mean the global warming color of “Go Green”. I was impressed with the free and readily available information “out there” to get started and to be successful. I learned how to create websites and web pages, how to write web content, what to avoid when getting started, where to go to get things done and what steps to take to include growth when opening your own business. Amazingly liberating to me – that is what knowledge does to me – it liberates corners of my mind that are sometimes filled with cobwebs since I have not walked there for a while or ever and then it electrifies it in a way that puts Times Square during Christmas to shame.

There is nothing more empowering than choice. God had it right when he underlined the Plan of Salvation and laced everything with his recipe called “Free Agency” a.k.a CHOICE.

Here is what Will Smith said in an interview once – this stuck with me deeply and I go back every once in a while and listen to these words. (Yes, inspiration can come to you from a movie star.) But here goes:

“I dont want to be an icon..I want to be an idea..I want to represent an idea, I want to represent possibilities, I want to represent magic…that you are in a universe and that two plus two equals four…two plus two only equals four if you accept that two plus two equals four…two plus two is going to be what I want it to be…

There is a redemptive power that making a choice has rather than feeling like you are an effect to all the things that are happening. Make a choice,right..you just decide what its gonna be, who you’re gonna be, how you’re gonna do it and then from that point, the universe is going to get out of your way…its like water, it wants to move and go around stuff…

I want to represent the idea of possiblities..that you really can make what you want. I believe that I can create whatever I want to create, if I can put my head on it right, study it, learn the patterns…but I feel very strongly that we are who we choose to be”.

– Will Smith interview with Tavis Smiley on YouTube.com

Thank you for taking this trip with me to Geek Paradise. Hope you enjoyed your tour and learned something… 🙂

Yolanda Taylor

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