DC Dragon Boat Festival

May 17, 2015

Another thing checked off on my bucket list this weekend! The DC Dragon Boat Festival has been something I have always wanted to attend but never got around to it. This year, Aaron was invited by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) in the US, to participate in the Dragon Boat Festival Race. He was thrilled to do something that was a tradition of DC, to be outdoors on the water, and to get some exercise all at the same time 🙂 Of course, Gracie and I went to support him and cheer on the teams that assembled early in the morning. We missed the opening festivities because we had to feed Grace and get her ready, but we made it in time for Aaron to join the team he was assigned to, find a parking spot right at the Boat Center with an out of order parking meter (score!), and scope out a good spot for some pictures of the race.
Here is Aaron stretching before the race.

All the teams gather at the dock and two or three teams go out on the water at a time. The Festival lasts two whole days. The short races (250m) happen today and the 500m races happen tomorrow. 

This is an exciting time for the teams, some of whom are professionals and execute with stunning precision.  It is a sight to behold when a team is in unison and just racing through the water!

Gracie is a great travel buddy. She just hung out in her carseat despite the fact that we messed up her morning nap. She was intently looking at all the boats go by and the ducks that were swimming along the river as well.

It is hard to describe the pure joy that Aaron felt today but this grin on his face should suffice.  I love this man and to see him just thoroughly enjoy himself this morning was enough for me. I don’t need diamonds or pearls. I will bottle up this smile and spend the rest of my days trying to figure out how to see him smile like this again. Seriously. 

 Aaron’s team, Kanbay, sponsored by TECRO, heading out to take their place in the race.

 Kanbay came in second and put on a good show. Aaron, of course, was thrilled 🙂

I would just like to say that I love living in Virginia and a stone’s throw away (ok, I am kidding – not in traffic) from the nation’s capitol. The Potomac River is beautiful, and today, we had the chance to experience one of the many festivities and traditions that take place on these waters. Living here speaks to our wanderlust souls and Gracie has inherited that quality from us 🙂 It is hard to imagine living anywhere else and being able to participate in countless cultural adventures, see beautiful places, visit national landmarks, and enjoy the arts.

Yolanda Taylor

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