Eye-Gor!! Froderick!!!

October 28, 2008

On Saturday, I was in the middle of a systematic swing of doing chores. Part of this included doing laundry (which is very expensive to do if you live where I live). So I put a load of wash in and continued on my chore completion. Much to my dismay, when I tried to dry my clothes, the dryer decided to conk out ( die). Both my roommate and I had planned on doing laundry that day the dryer threw a wet blanket on our plans, quite literally.

With Aaron to the rescue by letting us do the rest of it at his house, we had a few hours to kill. So my roommate brought along this movie to watch – it was suggested to her by one of her students who was aghast that she had never watched it. Well, neither did I – it shows that we are behind the times in movie watching 😉 This was also the same day as the Cal Berkeley – UCLA game, so we had the house to ourselves and wide screen TV! Sweet deal!!!

So the suggested movie was Young Frankenstein. I am not a huge fan of horror movies but in the spirit of roommate bonding, I decided to watch it. A decision I will never regret!!! It was a satire and you had to pay close attention to the dialogue to actually get some of the jokes. The first link is the introduction of Igor to Frederick. Watch it to understand the second link and the reason for the title:


The following link is to the scene that is one that my roommate and I have come to quote quite frequently since then and included it in a text message:


I love this movie and want to own it now – my one contribution to Halloween, a selfish one at that. It was hilarious and brings instant fits of laughter to us whenever we try to quote it!!!

A classic indeed!

Yolanda Taylor

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  • Shankar January 12, 2011 at 5:45 pm

    Ah, sweet mystery of life, at last I've found youuuuu…

    Same here: can't believe it's taken you so long to watch this one. Erm, what did you quote in a text? There are too many quotable lines in this movie. And the bloopers are excellent, too.

  • Shankar January 12, 2011 at 5:45 pm

    Ah, sweet mystery of life, at last I've found youuuuu…

    Same here: can't believe it's taken you so long to watch this one. Erm, what did you quote in a text? There are too many quotable lines in this movie. And the bloopers are excellent, too.

  • Sarah January 12, 2011 at 5:45 pm

    I can't believe that I never showed you that movie long ago! I watch it every Halloween season… it's a classic! In fact… I think that we need to watch it this week. Thanks for the reminder!

    Roll, roll, roll in ze hay! vould you like to have a roll in ze hay?

  • Sarah January 12, 2011 at 5:45 pm

    I can't believe that I never showed you that movie long ago! I watch it every Halloween season… it's a classic! In fact… I think that we need to watch it this week. Thanks for the reminder!

    Roll, roll, roll in ze hay! vould you like to have a roll in ze hay?

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