Familiarity knows NO LIMIT!!!

March 29, 2009

Last weekend, during a trip to Southern California, the following occurs:

Time: 4:30PM
Place: A best friend’s house ( high school friends)
Actor: Best Friend

We were walking to the car, parked in the driveway, getting ready to run some errands. She has one foot in the car and suddenly sees this elderly couple walking on the sidewalk. She says: “Oh! They are Wendy’s ( her neighbor’s) parents. Let me tell them to thank Wendy for the clothes she had sent for my baby.” So she yells out to them, “Tell Wendy thank you for the clothes.”

Response: “Huh????”

She yells out again: ” Please tell Wendy thank you for the baby clothes. They are really cute!”

Response as the older couple draws closer: “Huh???”

She runs over to them, repeating the same thing one more time. When she gets closer, she realizes that the couple is indeed NOT Wendy’s parents and therefore, the surprised response. With profuse apologies and a flushed face, she runs back to the car and jumps in and slams the door shut.

Since I was already in the car with the doors closed, I could not hear any of the interaction, nor do I know what Wendy’s parents look like. So the entire time, I am assuming that she, my friend, is just being friendly. Well, it turns out she was too friendly and wanted to thank some strangers for baby clothes.

The gentleman replied, smiling: “If you like, we can let Wendy know.”

So as I was pulling away from the house, she tells me what happened. Naturally, we burst out laughing. After repeating the joke a few times, I think, we are done laughing, only to have my friend outdo herself.

After a minute she says: ” But they knew Wendy, because the old mad told me he would tell her.” This brought on a fresh new flurry of laughs and I was doing all I could to drive straight. I had to tell her that he was joking with her and in fact, did not know Wendy at all.

We laughed our heads off the whole time!!! Best errand-running trip ever!!!

Yolanda Taylor

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