Festival of Lights, Jenny Oaks Baker, Nativity Display – DC Temple

December 14, 2014
 Each year, the Washington DC Latter-day Saint Temple presents a spectacular show called The Festival of Lights. This show runs through December and each night features free musical concerts in the Visitors’ Center.  Besides the show, the temple is awash in Christmas lights galore, and it is a magnificent sight to behold. Last year, Aaron and I came to see the lights and I was pregnant with Grace. This year, Grace was with us and I felt myself tearing up a bit just reminiscing about that special time when I eagerly anticipated the arrival of this little beautiful child who would change my life forever.

This year, not only did we get to see the amazing temple lights, but we also got to attend and enjoy a concert by violinist, Jenny Oaks Baker and her family and orchestra. We took Mom (Cheryl) and Jeremiah with us. It was great fun and, as a bonus, Grace seemed to enjoy it, too! She was mesmerized by the lights and the music. Excitedly jumping up and down on my lap, she sang along with the music, and never once fussed, despite it being past her bedtime. This allowed Aaron and I to enjoy a concert and take in the joy of doing something we love with a little person whom we love.

 At the conclusion of the short concert, we walked across the hall to the Nativity Display. Each year, there are creches from all around the world displayed here and it was fun to walk through and notice the different countries represented. Although, this year’s display was quite small in comparison to last year. Despite it being a quick walk-through, we took some pictures in there and were photo-bombed by Mary a few times.

We walked outside on temple grounds and took in the view with all the lights. My mind was filled with thoughts of the Savior and as I held on tightly to my little bundle of joy, I was so grateful for a Christ who loved me and saw it fit to make me a mother in this earthly life. I am thankful beyond measure for my sweet husband and for his love and kindness towards me every day. What a blessing it is to have a family here on earth, who are so good to me. 

May we carry the Christmas spirit in our hearts always! 

Yolanda Taylor

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