
November 26, 2020

What an incredible blessing grandparents are! Both sets of my grandparents passed away when I was really young – my dad’s parents lived a bit longer than my mom’s, so I have a few memories of them. My maternal grandparents – all my memories of them were handed down verbally to me through my mother.

Sadly, my own parents have passed away and my sweet children will not have the experience to get to know the amazing people they were. I realize that I must keep them alive in their hearts by sharing stories about them all the time and telling my children how much they were loved by them.

The soothing balm to my sorrow are Aaron’s parents. They are such wonderful examples of love, caring, compassion, and faith to my little children, who LOVE spending time with them.

One of the many blessings of this strange, Covid-19 year of 2020 has been more time with family, including grandparents. These two incredible people are so thoughtful and loving with my kids. They teach them things in ways that I may not always be able to (with patience), they show them how to love one another be being a good example of that to them, they play games with them, do crafts with them, read scriptures with them, take them on trips to the grocery store, teach them how to help one another, give them hugs and kisses, and just LOVE them.

I have watched my children thrive and blossom whenever they are around. It brings tears to my eyes whenever I catch a tender moment, like Matthew running back and forth giving Grandpa and Grandma hugs and kisses freely. His little spirit could immediately sense their pure love for him.

They are not only a blessing to my kids, but they are a source of comfort and guidance to both Aaron and me. I love having them come to stay. I like taking care of them and letting them take care of me ( so hard for me to do!). I like seeing Aaron feel his parents’ love – one is never too old to feel that, and it is a beautiful feeling! They are wonderful examples to us and make us always want to be better. So grateful for their kindness and their generosity to make the long 8-hour drive to be with us this Thanksgiving weekend!

Yolanda Taylor

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Hi! Welcome to our blog! Family, friends, photography, food, fun, travels, books - there is a little bit of everything here. It is the place where I record things that I know I would love to read and remember, and hopefully, you get to share a part of our lives with us. It may not be perfect but this is us. And, you are welcome any time! Read More



