Hiking in Carderock Park, MD

May 27, 2012
“Hiking is sort of like strip poker: by the end, all the participants are hot, sweaty, and nearly naked, and the winner is the person who wore the most layers.”
― Winona Dimeo-Ediger, Closet Confidential: Style Secrets Learned the Hard Way
On Saturday, Aaron and I decided to go hiking. I am of the belief that one hike a year is good for my soul, and if it were up to Aaron, he would live in the mountains, hiking all day. I am trying to be more active before this year ends and I realize that I am still very much in the sedentary box. So, I suggested we go hiking in Great Falls, VA. 
However, while at a church breakfast, our good friends, the Kachers, suggested we go to Carderock Park in MD. We invited them to go with us, and after driving around for 20 minutes, we finally made it and met up with the Kachers. Our plans for a good hike were derailed by a two-year old, who insisted on jumping in every muddy puddle along the tow path that we were on, abandoning her shoes at random, and picking weeds for me to smell. 🙂 We didn’t mind, though. We walked a short while and very soon, the murky waters of the canal started to look very enticing as the sun climbed up in the sky quite rapidly, its heat bearing down on us.  

Since the Kachers had to get the girls down for their nap, they left. Aaron and I decided to continue our hike. It was HOT, muggy, humid, HOT, and did I mention, HOT. I was a good sport, however, and did not complain. We traversed the tow path along the canal, and chatted about life, and other things that couples talk about. 
Despite the heat, there were several people and children and dogs out and about. After about a mile and a half, Aaron and I decided that we were done for the day. The heat had gotten to us and we began to see the mirage of a large swimming pool. It was time to go home!
 We had a great time getting out of the house and communing with nature, albeit, a very muggy, humid nature. We also decided that if we did not get out of the house before 9am, we might have to choose another activity for the day besides hiking in  the midday sun. 
We love spending time with each other and I cherish these moments whenever I can get them.
 I love the area we live in! So much to do and see!  
Yolanda Taylor

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  • Chelsea May 31, 2012 at 9:22 pm

    Boo to humidity! What a fun trip though!

  • Chelsea May 31, 2012 at 9:22 pm

    Boo to humidity! What a fun trip though!

  • Yolanda Taylor June 11, 2012 at 2:21 am

    Yeah, this was fun to explore. It was so green and gorgeous!

  • Yolanda Taylor June 11, 2012 at 2:21 am

    Yeah, this was fun to explore. It was so green and gorgeous!

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    Hi! Welcome to our blog! Family, friends, photography, food, fun, travels, books - there is a little bit of everything here. It is the place where I record things that I know I would love to read and remember, and hopefully, you get to share a part of our lives with us. It may not be perfect but this is us. And, you are welcome any time! Read More



