Late Night Laughs…

November 15, 2008

Totally random but too funny to not be shared…My bedroom wall just happens to be my neighbor’s bathroom wall. Since our walls are paper-thin and our neighbors are from Texas – the fun-loving, loud, rambunctious kind – Mackenzie and I generally know pretty much everything about their lives without ever setting foot in their apartment.

The bathroom wall must be slightly reinforced compared to the other walls (thank goodness) so you hear the usual shower turned on, etc. Occasionally, you would hear singing – at the top of their voices – in the bathroom.

Well, it is 1:00 AM and I just heard my neighbor walk into his bathroom and sing: ” I have to urinate, urinate, urinate…I have to urinate, urinate, urinate…” at the top of his lungs, thereby clarifying the use of the bathroom for those who have any doubts of the usage of the facility and showcasing his vocal abilities which always seem to emanate upon entrance to the “portals of Poseidon” i.e. their bathroom.

Yolanda Taylor

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