Merry Christmas, 2012!!

December 24, 2012

I know I have not posted anything for a whole month! It has been one full of surprises, a bit of stress, and a whole lot of fun! I will catch you all up on this very soon, but for now, I wish you all the joy and peace that Christmas brings.

Last night, Aaron and I went to the Annual Kennedy Center tradition: Handel’s Messiah Sing-a-long. It was phenomenal! Three thousand voices who have never rehearsed together, came together to sing in glorious unison and thunderous vigor to welcome Jesus the Christ into this world through song and praise. 
We were not allowed to tape or take photos of the show. Just as well, because I was so overcome with emotion as the wall of sound just crashed into me. It was all I could to keep the tears from running down my face. 
However, a week ago, Aaron found this video on youtube and sent it to me. This time, there was no holding back. The tears indeed flowed down my cheeks with a vengeance. What I loved about this video was the group of people sharing their God-given talent, coming together from all walks of life to raise their voices in harmony.  Every time I listened to this, the only thing I could think of was that this is what it must have been like when the angels announced the birth of Christ to the shepherds and sang joyous praises.

It is an incredible video!  May you and your family and loved ones have a blessed Christmas!


Aaron & Yolanda.

Yolanda Taylor

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Hi! Welcome to our blog! Family, friends, photography, food, fun, travels, books - there is a little bit of everything here. It is the place where I record things that I know I would love to read and remember, and hopefully, you get to share a part of our lives with us. It may not be perfect but this is us. And, you are welcome any time! Read More



