Midnight Munchies…

October 29, 2008

Yesterday was one of my usual long days at work, but I felt unusually tired when I got home. So I stayed right where I had sat down when I walked into my apartment and did not move a muscle. For background music, we listened to the dueling growlers – my stomach and Aaron’s stomach.

Realizing that nothing but food could calm these two monsters down, we did a mental checklist of everything we had to eat in the house. Rice – too long to cook; chicken – too long to thaw and then to cook; etc…finally we decided on something that was quick and easy: AREPAS…

I know some of you are like “A-what-As?” Arepas are the most typical food in Venezuela. It is easy to make in just a few minutes. Arepas are made out of corn flour and water..that’s it. And you can fill it with anything you want or just eat it plain with some butter drizzled over the top. They are soooo yummy!!!

Aaron served his mission in the Barcelona, Venezuela mission and this was part of his staple diet there. He made us some yummy arepas late at night and we devoured them once we filled them in with goat cheese. I had lots of Venezuelan friends and had eaten a fair share of arepas in my day. So it worked out beautifully…although we should eat earlier in the evening, one arepa filled with cheese just hit the spot.

We were full and happy ; the dueling ogres went to bed and so did we! Mission accomplished!

Yolanda Taylor

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  • Christy January 12, 2011 at 5:45 pm

    I love arepas! My old roommates in Utah were actually in the Barcelona Mission at the same time as Aaron – he knew them! (Random, eh?) They used to cook Arepas and this scrambly egg dish with tomatoes and lots of Cilantro all the time! Yum!

  • Christy January 12, 2011 at 5:45 pm

    I love arepas! My old roommates in Utah were actually in the Barcelona Mission at the same time as Aaron – he knew them! (Random, eh?) They used to cook Arepas and this scrambly egg dish with tomatoes and lots of Cilantro all the time! Yum!

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    Hi! Welcome to our blog! Family, friends, photography, food, fun, travels, books - there is a little bit of everything here. It is the place where I record things that I know I would love to read and remember, and hopefully, you get to share a part of our lives with us. It may not be perfect but this is us. And, you are welcome any time! Read More



