…my everyday cookbooks…

December 9, 2010

I love cookbooks… and that is an understatement. My husband knows that if we go to a bookstore (which he tries to avoid always), I will inevitably walk out of the store with a cookbook in my hand, and 10 other books in a bag : ) Over the past year, I have found a few of my favorite cookbooks, that I have used well – and I have the oil stains and colored food smudges to prove it. I want to share them with you, so that you can also derive the joy that I have from using these wonderful recipes…and after you try them, come back here and tell me what you think of them.

1. Anyone Can Cook by Better Homes and Gardens 

This is one of absolute favorite books! If you have never cooked before, this book will help you feel so at ease, you will feel like a pro when you are done! This 84-page visual intro to food is as easy as the slogan on the cover: see it, do it, nothing to it. With more than 550 recipes ranging from Indian curries to comfort food like mashed potatoes, this book will have you beaming with confidence in your ability to turn out some tasty meals.

2. Perfect Salads – a collection of over 100 essential recipes

If you ever thought that salads were dull and boring, this book will challenge you all the way! It actually helped me shrug off my bad attitude about salads, and get really excited about trying some new ways to do salad. Now I use it any chance I get, and everyone loves the way these salads turn out. With mouthwatering photographs and easy to read instructions, this book is a must-have for entertaining. 
3. Best Ever 400 Budget Recipes edited by Lucy Doncaster

I have dog-ears all over this book and can’t seem to get excited every time I read a recipe here. I start off with one, then flip the page just to see if there is anything else I might like and 30 minutes later, I am still sitting in the middle of my living room floor, flipping through the more than 1800 beautiful photographs of food! This book tells you everything you need to know about low-cost cooking, and they are delicious meals, to boot! If you love tasty, home-cooked meals, you should have this book.

4. The Complete 15-Minute Gourmet by Paulette Mitchell

 Who doesn’t want to be able to make meals in 15 minutes, and gourmet, at that??? This is a new addition to my collection, but I was immediately drawn toward the book just by its title. Then I opened it and knew I had to take it home with me 🙂 Just because your life is hectic, you don’t have to sacrifice flavor or nutrition in your meals. Whether you crave international cuisine one night or a new spin on a traditional favorite, you will be amazed at what you can create in just 15 minutes. I have said enough. Try the dessert section on this book – A-maz-ing!

5. Food Network Favorites by Food Network

Anyone who loves food or is even curious about it knows about Food Network. I would be lying if I did not say I had my favorite Food Network chefs, but this book combines recipes from their All-Star chefs and it was too hard to pass up. between Paula Deen’s “stick-o-butter” and Emeril’s “BAM!, this book has got you covered! Enjoy!!!!

I am always on the lookout for some great cookbooks to add my collection (hope my husband doesn’t read this), so please comment and share some of your favorite cookbooks and/or recipes.

Yolanda Taylor

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