This Is It – Michael Jackson – The Man, The Legend.

October 17, 2010

When I was a kid, the first thing I saw every morning, when I woke up was a poster of a person – eyes lined with black eyeliner, curly black hair, leather jacket and leather pants with innumerable silver buckles, and a shimmery white glove. Michael Jackson.

I was in love with Michael Jackson – he represented love, kindness, creativity, passion, freedom and he was so gentle by nature. But most of all, because he was Michael! No one could dance like he could or give the greatest performances like he did – he was a visionary, innovative to the point of being the guinea pig for all new digital age testing in his videos, creative overflow, perfectionist, rehearsing with an endless amount of energy – and in love with his fans all around the world. He got back every bit of what he gave to his fans and they are to this day the most devoted of any fans. I am one of them and will always be a Michael Jackson fan.

The little boom box in my house was strained to its max as I played and rewound the cassette tapes trying to write down the words of his songs. Then I would play them, sing at the top of my lungs and try to imitate his every move that my 10-year old mind could remember. He was a living, breathing part of my minute existence in a little corner of the world in India.

With each song and album, came a different fashion statement yet the glove and shimmery socks remained. His gravity-defying moves had me spellbound and I was mesmerized by this person. I sang his songs with such passion before I even knew what they meant and before I realized that some of them were so personal and raw to him.

Some of his hits were even before I was born, but I idolized this genius and wanted to be like him and do what he did. His fans were not bound by age, caste, creed or color – his music was universal, loved and embraced by all, his genuineness so tangible, and his love for his fans was untouched.

So obviously, when “This is It” was released to the public, I HAD to go!!

I invited some of my friends and we had the best times of our lives – we laughed and cried and danced in our seats – grateful to be with those who shared the same love that we did for him – the man, the legend, the one and only – Michael Jackson. May your soul rest in peace and surrounded by angels.

I love you.

Yolanda Taylor

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