This town is about Music – Nashville, TN.

April 23, 2012
“I like this town, it’s really great. This town is about music. It’s about the kind of music I like.
Otis Blackwell 
I spent a week in Nashville, TN, recently (March 29-April 5), and was surprised by how much I liked it! It was a memorable week in many ways, but as Otis says, the most memorable was the music—this town is about music. Incredible talent everywhere you turn. The misconception is that Nashville is only country music. Not true. 

The week started out with getting a booth set up for a client at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel—an experience in itself. The Gaylord is an impressive place—convention center, hotel rooms, a riverboat ride, shops, restaurants, gardens, waterfalls, and much more. 

(Danielle, my co-worker, and I, in front of the booth.)

I had the fantastic opportunity to attend a reception hosted by Bell Helicopter at The Country Music Hall of Fame! It was great to explore the place, and to hobnob with some of clients of our client, as we rode in style in a limousine.

(Inside the CMHOF.)

Danielle had done her homework well, so she knew all the places to see and things to do. One of those places that was a tradition in and of itself was Tootsie’s—a very popular bar. The amazing thing about this place, and any other place we went to, was that no matter how small and crowded the place was, there was LIVE MUSIC! 
And they were very good! 

(Danielle and I at Tootsie’s.)

Our clients were wonderful hosts and took extremely good care of us. One of the most memorable experiences for me was meeting Mr. Art (pictured below) at Dotson’s—a homegrown, southern food restaurant. The decor belies the deliciousness of the food—unbelievably finger-licking good! Or, as Mr. Art says, “…makes you want to slap your Mamie!”

(Danielle and me with Mr. Art.)

The BEST southern food I have ever had in my life—succulent meatloaf, crisp and light fried okra, corn bread, fried chicken, mash potatoes, sweet potato casserole, turnip greens, banana cream pie, and a FREE one-pound bottle of homemade peach jam to take home! Yes, I ate all of that (except the jam) and cleaned my plate(s)! To top it all off, Mr. Art enjoyed sitting at our table and chatting with us through our entire meal, that our food was on the house! What a dear old man! 

If you ever go to Nashville, you have to go to Dotson’s. Thank you, ISR Group, for being such great hosts!

It was a great experience and one that I will never forget, y’all!

Yolanda Taylor

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  • Chelsea April 27, 2012 at 10:59 pm

    Yummm! What a fun trip!

  • Chelsea April 27, 2012 at 10:59 pm

    Yummm! What a fun trip!

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